It was definitely a pleasure to see and chat with you again. Thank you for getting me the energy tune-up report so quickly. The amount of time we spent going through the house was evident in your report. I am very impressed with your attention to detail and your thoroughness in your evaluation. The energy tune-up report that you sent me was definitely more than what I had expected. The report is very detailed and easy to understand. Each area of the house was charted separately showing what is existing and what can and should be down to improve energy efficiency. As an added bonus, you included contractor resources, additional energy efficiency measures, tips on weatherizing the home, financing information, and energy efficiency tax credit information. Scheduling the energy tune-up was well worth it and I look forward to implementing your suggested improvements.
Thanks again,
Thanks for getting this report to me so quickly. I finally got a chance
to look at it and I'm really impressed with the effort, time, and
attention to detail, that are evident throughout the report. You can be
sure I will be recommending you to my friends. When we are looking to
buy a new place we will call you to do the home inspection. It was great
meeting you and I look forward to working with you in the future. Thanks.
Debbie Gleeson
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